ブックタイトル教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第4号 通巻 第290号


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教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第4号 通巻 第290号

教育医学第63小巻木曽第加4奈号子,305?314伊藤康児頁(2018年6月)原著日本教育医学会第65回大会学会大会推薦論文介護老人保健施設の看護職の職務の継続と認知症ケアの検討;介護老人保健施設の看護職版職務満足度評価尺度とBPSDサポート尺度を用いて1)2)小木曽加奈子,伊藤康児Examination of Continuity of Nurses’Job and Practice ofDementia Care Using the Nursing Version of the DutySatisfaction Rating Scale for Long-term Care Health Facilitiesand Support Standards for the Behavioral and PsychologicalSymptoms of DementiaKanako OGISO 1)and Kohji ITOH 2)AbstractThis study aimed to elucidate the relationship between continuity of nurses? job and practice of dementiacare at long-term care health facilities (L-HFs). A questionnaire survey was conducted with five nurseseach from 255 facilities in four prefectures of the Tokai region. A total of 384 responses (30.1%) wereanalyzed using a covariance structure analysis, the Nursing version of the Duty Satisfaction Rating Scalefor L-HFs, and the Support Standards for the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia(BPSD). The following results were obtained: (1)“wages”were related to overall job satisfaction, intentionto change the workplace, and intention to resign; (2) regarding nurses? fidelity to the assumed model, thegoodness of fit index (GFI) was .922, the adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) was .887, the comparativefit index (CFI) was .934, and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) was .076; GFI ?AGFI. Subsequently, the categories of“care for elderly people with BPSD,”“nurses? job satisfaction atL-HFs,”and“continuity of nurses? job”were extracted. These findings suggest that, for nurses to continuetheir job, it is important to cultivate their ability to cope with the elderly with BPSD.キーワード:介護老人保健施設,看護職の職務の継続,認知症ケア,BPSDKeywords:Long-term care health facility, continuity of nurses? job, dementia care, BPSD(behavioraland psychological symptoms of dementia)1)岐阜大学医学部看護学科〒501-1193岐阜県岐阜市柳戸1-12)名城大学大学院総合学術研究科〒461-8534名古屋市東区矢田南4-102-91)Gifu University Nursing Course, School of Medicine1-1 Yanagido, Gifu City, Japan (501-1193)2)Meijo University Graduate School of Environmental and HumanScience4-102-9 Yadaminami, Higasi-ku, Nagoya City, Japan (461-8534)? 305 ?