ブックタイトル教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第2号 通巻 第288号
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このページは 教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第2号 通巻 第288号 の電子ブックに掲載されている40ページの概要です。
教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第2号 通巻 第288号
ソーシャルネットワーキングサービスを教育医学第?3巻第2号204?211利用した水頁泳(201?のけのび年10動月作)の指導方法資料ソーシャルネットワーキングサービスを利用した水泳のけのび動作の指導方法1)2)重松良祐,森田松之助Improving Gliding Motion in Swimming Using Social NetworkingServicesRyosuke SHIGEMATSU 1)and Matsunosuke MORITA 2)AbstractTeaching to swim in a pool might be less effective compared with that on land because the waterrestricts learners? hearing and breathing. However, a new teaching method could be effective in teaching toswim. Internet-based social networking services (SNS) can save large-size movie files, show learners?performance, and facilitate communication with other learners, instructors, and parents. The movie filescan be played anytime, anywhere, and with anybody. This study tested the effectiveness and usefulness ofSNS as a new teaching method. Participants were eight children aged 12-16 years who attended eightsessions (two days per week for four weeks). They were assigned to either the SNS group or the controlgroup. In each session, the SNS group was recorded when they swam from the pool wall with a glidingmotion. Researchers guided them to improve their gliding motion in a swimming pool using the movie file.After each session, the researchers uploaded the files of four participants on Facebook and asked them towatch all the files repeatedly. The gliding motion of the control group was also recorded and they wereprovided guidance; however, the movie files were not uploaded on Facebook. During the eight sessions, theSNS group watched the movie files and left their comments on their motions. Results indicated that glidingmotion scores and participants? attitude improved, but not significantly. The number of subjective effects inthe SNS group was significantly more than those in the control group. Thus, SNS could be a new teachingmethod to improve gliding motion in swimming.キーワード:インターネット,ソーシャルメディア,青年,マルチメディアKeywords:Internet, social media, adolescent, multimedia1)三重大学教育学部〒514-8507三重県津市栗真町屋町15772)三重大学水泳部緑水会〒514-8507三重県津市栗真町屋町15771)Faculty of Education, Mie University1577 Kurimamachiya, Tsu, Mie, Japan (514-8507)2)Ryokusuikai, Swimming Club, Mie University1577 Kurimamachiya, Tsu, Mie, Japan (514-8507)? 204 ?