ブックタイトル教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第2号 通巻 第288号


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教育医学 J.Educ.Health Sci. 第63巻 第2号 通巻 第288号

Keiko ABE, J. Tatsuya Educ. Health MIMURA, Sci., 63(2),167?174 Hiroshi AKITAKE(October,2017)and Kan-ichi MIMURA原著The Relationship between Planter Arch and Motor Ability inChildren Aged 0 to 12Keiko ABE 1) , Tatsuya MIMURA 2) , Hiroshi AKITAKE 3) and Kan-ichi MIMURA 1)AbstractThe purposes of this study were to determine the development of plantar arch in children aged from 0to 12, and also to determine the relationship between plantar arch and motor ability in different groups,namely boys and girls at preschool and school age, respectively. The plantar arches of 6802 subjectswere scanned by Pedoscope, and the subjects were engaged in 3 field-based physical fitness tests: sprint(25m sprint in infants and 50m sprint in elementary school children), broad jump, and ball throw (tennisball throw in infants and softball throw in elementary school children). The results showed that to age 6or 7, about 70 % of children have the formation of longitudinal arch (normal-arch feet). Boys with flatfeet exhibited lower motor ability than their counterparts with normal-arch feet. Although no definitecorrelations between flat feet and throwing ability have been identified from our data in girls, the sprintand jump abilities of girls with normal-arch feet were significantly greater than girls with flat feet.Keywords:0-12 years, planter arch, motor abilityⅠ.IntroductionSince humans walk on two legs, the soles ofthe feet come in contact with the ground, hold thebody in place, and move, taking into considerationthe balance between the body and the conditionsof the ground. Human feet are complex, consistingof 26 bones. Children are born with flat feet 1, 3, 12) .The foot geometry and planter arch in childrenchange rapidly during the first decade of growth 13) .The present study confirms findings that thelongitudinal arches form rapidly in the first 3years of life, continually changing until they attaincharacteristic features of adult feet approximately6 or 7 years of age 2, 13) .In orthopedics, pediatric flat feet are traditionallybelieved to be associated with pain, poor motorskills, or an altered gait pattern in children, or tocause discomfort in adulthood 11, 13, 20) . Flat feet havebeen reported to be associated with a higher riskof injury among physically active people 9) . Onthe other hand, many researchers reported that anexcessive number of orthopedic treatments havebeen prescribed unnecessarily 12, 17) .In the developmental stages of life, the preschoolyears are clearly important, because during thattime children acquire movement skills andbehaviors that promote an active lifestyle 10) . Theassessment of motor ability development is usedfor determining the overall rate and level of growth1)大阪成蹊大学教育学部〒533-0007大阪市東淀川区相川3丁目10番62号2)大阪産業大学教養部〒574-8530大阪府大東市中垣内3丁目1番1号3)びわこ成蹊スポーツ大学スポーツ学部〒520-0503滋賀県大津市北比良12041)Faculty of Education, Osaka Seikei University, Osaka, Japan3-10-62, Aikawa, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan (533-0007)2)College of General Education, Osaka Sangyo University, Osaka, Japan3-1-1, Nakagaito, Daito-shi, Osaka, Japan (574-8530)3)Faculty of Sport Study, Biwako Seikei Sport College, Shiga, Japan1204, Kitahira, Otsu-shi, Shiga, Japan (520-0503)? 167 ?